Seven great reasons to stop smoking

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It’s not easy to stop smoking, but looking at the health benefits of going smoke-free can really help with motivation. 

Let’s explore the good things that will happen when you stop smoking: 

1. Breathe more easily

Your lung capacity will improve by up to 10% within just nine months. Younger smokers may not notice this so much, but lung capacity decreases with age. By quitting, you can look forward to an active, healthy old age without wheezing or struggling to climb stairs. 

2. Get more energy

Within twoto12 weeks of quitting, your blood circulation will improve, and physical activity will feel much more enjoyable. 

3. Less stress

You will feel less stressed after quitting. Nicotine addiction creates stress between cigarettes, and smoking only makes that go away for a short time. Ex-smokers also tend to have better concentration and mental wellbeing. 

4. Save money

You will save you around £4,000 a year if you are a 20-a-day smoker. Just imagine what you could do with that extra money.

5. Whiter teeth

Kicking the habit will prevent teeth from getting stained and give you fresher breath. Ex-smokers are also less likely to suffer from gum disease and tooth loss.

6. Improved smell and taste

Your senses of smell and taste will get better, as your body recovers from the hundreds of toxic chemicals in cigarettes. 

7. Protect family and friends

You will protect the health of your loved ones. Passive smoking risks lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke in non-smokers. Children who breathe second-hand smoke are twice as likely to get chest illnesses, ear infections, and asthma. Quitting smoking shows your love and care for those around you. 

Start a healthier, smoke-free life, with these incredible benefits.

Key sources and further reading

NHS Live Well: Quit smoking

25 October, 2023
